The Chapter of St. Patrick
The Chapel of St. Patrick is the home of the Community of the Celtic Cross. The community was newly formed on Nov 1, 2010. The pastor Fr Bernie O Finch has served as a part or full time minister in a variety of positions for 50 years. He was a missionary in Africa in the 1960s. He has pastored churches in SC, IN, SD, WY, and WI. For the past 39 years he has been a full time physician and acupuncturist and has done ministry more as an avocation. At this time the aim is to provide a sacramental presence in the village of Pepin, WI immediately adjacent to his Natural Health clinic. The church office is in the transitional area of the Pastor’s home adjacent to the Clinic and the Chapel of St Patrick. The Chapel of St Patrick is a small free standing building 10’ by 20’ finished as a place of worship and meditation. It was erected in Nov of 2010 and finished in December. It is the property of the Pastor and is used by the church free of charge. A Prayer Garden surrounds the Chapel and is used for meditation and Tai Chi practice by staff and patients when weather permits.
Staff includes Pastor and Chief executive officer Fr Bernie O. Finch. He will administer the sacraments as empowered by his ordination. This would include the Eucharist, Weddings Baptisms, Confirmations and any other uniquely pastoral services. He will serve as a volunteer with no salary.
Board member #2 Kathy T. Finch serves as chapel caretaker, Eucharist minister and Secretary Treasurer of the community.
Board member #3 Cher Marie serves to help with care-taking duties for the chapel, and is its computer expert. A church website is being designed and a blog maintained for members, seminarians of the Ascension Theological School and for general information about the churches mission.
In the past the pastor has performed 2-5 weddings per year with occasional baptisms and confirmations. The proceeds of these would go into the church treasury. The main expenses are communion supplies and computers services to set up the website.
Father Bernie