Experiences at Fatima and Other Stuff
Our Lady of Fatima
Recently my good friend Mother Marion, a long time Free Catholic Priest, asked a question about my experience at Fatima. This is mentioned in the contemplative prayer outline.
Here is my answer to her.
The comments about Fatima had to do with the adoration chapel off the main square. I took part for several hours there. When I entered I observed the order of Nuns that are constantly doing devotion there. They were so still and fixed upon their task of contemplation and prayer that I thought for the first hour that the sister at the altar was a statue. It was shocking when she finally finished her turn and arose that she was a very tiny very elderly woman. Her presence was just so very peaceful and loving without a word. I observed a very American very concerned girl who returned to try to find some earrings she lost on the floor earlier while kneeling. One of the Nuns deferred her frantic effort to search and crawl about and talk to people without a word or rebuke but just a look that said its ok the earring is not important just go in peace and do not disturb. It was so very powerful I had other experiences while praying with people of many races and countries.
I was there the day before and the day after Pope John was there to beatify two of the children that saw the original apparition in the early 20th century. A million people came and went and the shrine was spotless save for a remnant of candle wax near the altars for special intentions. I was a deacon then and there with my wife. I dressed in clerics and people were kind and quietly curious.
Each of the points on my outline are the titles of individual articles or meditations , homilies or commentaries. Putting the outline in while initially confusing, will I trust serve as a stimuli and framework for developing the commentary almost to book length.
I do Morning prayer and evening prayer almost daily. My busy practice as a Physician and schedule of teaching Energy Medicine cause me to be absent from the chapel many days and weekends. I say mass on special days, holy days and for special intentions. When we get a seminarian here and or a deacon or another priest it is my intention to do mass 2x per week including Sunday or Saturday night. We try to have more than 52 masses per year even when alone because I feel it to be the vocation of a priest to do the Great Liturgy in his locale to bring forth grace and blessing in the area both exoterically and esoterically We do the Waddle mass short form, the ascension form from our liturgy, the Liberal Catholic for once in a while, an occasional Roman Mass, and I have done the pooja.
I get a lot of comments on the website. Unfortunately, most of them want to sell me something or tell me about my Nigerian great uncle who has died and left me a fortune which is available for a mere $500.
I would love favorable comments. Criticism send to me privately to salve my aging ego. By the way my spell check died tonight so what you see is what you get! I may post this reply on the Website if you don’t mind.
Your Brother and Son